Instalment One Hundred and Sixty One

A 200 Word Story Sponsored Content Feature

Nondescript, unremarkable and unmarketable?

Not a problem!

Good but not great?

Your product need be second best no more, it can be second better.

What if we told you that marketing isn’t for you.

Traditional advertising agencies happily take your money to deliver campaigns that are “just fine for what you are selling.”

We are no traditional advertising agency – we’re something new.

Your leg up might just be having the other guy stumble.

Introducing the Avertising Agency.

Q. What is avertising?
A. Simple, rather than drawing attending to your product we draw it away from your competitors.
Q. Isn’t that just negative or attacking advertising?
A. No, we don’t attack your competition, we just diminish the attention they receive.
Q. How does it work?
A. From the tried and true  “look over there,” model to “oooo a shiny thing,” we have a range of campaigns tailored to not suit the needs of your competition.
Q. If it works so well, why are you advertising?
A. Have you heard of another avertising agency? No we averted them, proof our work works!

We make distraction all action.

- Out of sight, out of mind.

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