Instalment One Hundred and Thirty Three

Humans are impatient by nature. If there was a one person queue, a one-minute wait The Transporter could take you away. That’s what every single person did.

The world channel surfed one another’s lives.

There was always somewhere else you could be. Fear of missing out ruled every social interaction. As you welcomed a friend you could see in their eyes the cold, calculating assessment – to stay or transport somewhere better? Or just go skiing.

You could see everything but appreciate nothing. Visit the pyramids after work and still be on the couch before the football started.

There is no tyranny of distance, distance is a blessing. If someone phoned to see if you were home, they were at the door before you hung up. Always by yourself but never alone. There was no longer any excuse for being late, ever. Latecomers were exposed for what they are, poor friends putting their own wants before others. And that was the Transporter’s real failing, it stripped people to their core. You couldn’t Transport away from yourself. It showed the user what they were, what we all are. Selfish. And there’s no money in that truth… So spare a dollar? See! Selfish.

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