Instalment One Hundred and Fourteen

The speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second.

The speed of sound at sea level is 340.29 metres per second.

The speed of grief is that of a glacier, grinding slow and languid, gouging gaping trails of scarring in its wake.

The speed of insanity is erratic and creeping.

The speed of insanity through a crowd is rapid and wild. Contagious, it consumes reason as tinder in its wildfire.

The speed of time is variable and is dependent on levels of happiness or sadness. Happiness does not have a speed as it is an accelerant. Similarly sadness is a retardant. They act upon time as the pedals of a motorcar act upon an engine, you however are not the driver, merely the gearbox, often ground down as time is roughly shifted between these two competing forces.

The speed of regret is exponential, as is
its weight.

The speed of laughter arcs and crashes as a wave, all froth and foam, then scuttles away like the tide.

The speed of life is an equation of an individual’s exposure of the all these measures, as subtracted from an unknown constant X.

The speed of death is an endless and unbroken stroll.


  1. And the speed of awe is built in the tension of blistering tyres shrieking in the wake of a black asphalt abyss of a road.
