Instalment Ninety One

On her very first day of school, everything was big, there was so much to do and so many people. It was all so strange.

“If I stand by the front gate for long enough,” she said to herself, “I will meet everyone in the school. No one will be strange to me then.”

That is what she did. The first bell rang and she stayed in place until her teacher came looking for her. She explained her plan, the teacher giggled and told her to come inside. She refused, insisting she was going to meet everyone. Because she was so little and the request so cute, the Principal decided to march every grade past her, it was fun.

This was a mistake.

The little girl grew up with the belief that if you stood in the same place long enough, you would meet everyone.
Oh her sixteenth birthday, she went to the largest train station in the largest city in her country and stood there, saying hello.

She wanted to meet everyone.

There she stayed for 50 years, finally catching her Death from cold. Lone had met everyone but didn’t know a soul. No one stood by her grave.

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