Instalment Seventy Six

Is there a master list of famous people that indicates if we are sad and respectful or make jokes when they die? Or do we just follow what other people are doing on social media?

If you get in first is it you that gets to choose the tone? Happy or sad?

Or is it down to if: “we” judge their death to be their own fault we can make jokes about them. Cancer and other external forces then we have to be quiet, respects will be paid and funerals will be attended, even if you never met them?
If a celebrity dies in the forest, do the trees crack jokes?

What about break downs? That seems to be a universally agreed free for all, especially if we had all “agreed” to dislike them enough to cause the break down. It is good when that happens, that they know how it feels to be small and sad, like you and me isn’t it? I hope they have learned something. Like that they are not so different from us, they aren’t better than me, they are just like me and I deserve respect. I am human too, just like them.


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