Instalment Fifty Six

Optimism is not always dumb.
Pessimism is not always deep.
Much like happiness is not cheap and sadness not always profound.
“I feel the loss of that famous person’s death, I feel them missing from my life.”
“Those riots on the other side of the world meant so much to me.”
“A tragedy like that touches us all.”


My thoughts are not with you.
My prayers are not with you.
Claiming a personal stake in the suffering of the day does not make you a better person.
Telling people you care about something does not mean you care about it.
Acting like you are sad about something does not mean you are sad.
Tearing things down does not make others stupid and you smart.
These events are not poker chips to stack beside your name in a fruitless effort to feel important for a fleeting moment.
What you are trying to do is fake, a silhouette.
Live your life.
Care about real things.
Amass actions.
Help people.
Work at it.
You will only change the world when you change yourself first.
Oh and clean your room.

So I can’t go to the sit in then Dad? said Teen.

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