Instalment Thirty One

The two old men began their second lap of the park, as was their daily routine. While their first lap of the park always contained a few lively moments, it was that second lap around that they lived for. Gnarled and bent, they took time with each step, resting on their canes to comment on the surroundings.

“There’s that dirty wop again,” Epithet shouted to the hard of hearing Pejorative.

“That little so-and-so is still eyeing us off,” came the even louder reply.

The ever so slightly dark-haired, anglo-saxon gentleman reading the paper on a park bench looked up, as he had done an hour before, and said “Oh do fuck off!”

“That damn dago just mouthed off at us!” Epithet screamed pointing his cane.

“Stinkin’ eyetie!” howled Pejorative.

“Look, I understand you were raised in different times,” the set upon man began, “but this simply isn’t on, please refrain.”

“I most certainly am not from the Ukraine you greasy bastard, come over here and I’ll whip your hide,” Epithet spat.

By now a crowd had gathered at the spectacle, a feat the old men managed almost daily, providing them with future fodder once they had finished with the spiv.

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