Instalment One Hundred and Seventy Four

“We do nothing, still they come.”

“They hunt sister. They kill for joy. Not even eat.”

“They are sheep, know only what others do. Copy.”

The wolves were sad.

“We do better job with child than they. We only kill for need.”

The wolves were angry.

“Change must come.”

The wolves came. Down from the mountains. Out of the forests and the plains.

At night they took the children. All the children.

They was much howling in the village come dawn when the children were found to be missing.

Up in the mountains, in the forests and plains the wolves raised the children right.

Seasons bled into years.

The children returned. In packs. Wild eyed, matted together with loyal hearts.

They marked their territory, there would be a new way. Act true and protect.

The village grew strong and prospered.

The wolves returned.

“You kill bears for us.”

The wolf children said no, the bears do not harm us, you taught kill only in need.

The wolves were sad.

The wolves returned to the mountains, the forests and the plains and stole some bear cubs as their parents slumbered, raised them right.

Soon wolf bears would visit the ungrateful village.

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