Instalment One Hundred and Fifty Six

Your vote will be determined for you, based on your answers.
I would rather watch an action movie than a romantic comedy.
Strongly Disagree. Disagree. Neutral. Agree. Strongly Agree.

100s of questions flashing past. Democracy failed. People couldn’t be bothered learning about issues and started ‘going with their gut.’ Votes followed whoever scared the public the most recently. So you could no longer vote for who you wanted to vote for, your answers voted for you. Answers chose who you’d vote for better than you would.

I like to be surrounded by people.
Strongly Disagree. Disagree. Neutral. Agree. Strongly Agree.

People were outraged, but given the opportunity to vote against it, their answers showed deep down they were happy to shrug off their responsibility of choice. So they did. The test didn’t even tell you your result.

“I strongly agree that I seldom worry about things beyond my control.  Do you?” Candidates soon realised even they wouldn’t vote for themselves and they might be campaigning for the other guy. All election advertising stopped.

I often phone friends just for a chat.

Personality beat Substance in a landslide everytime, and was a foolish and callow leader. The answer to our answers.

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