Instalment One Hundred and Twenty Four

The Penman Ship docked in what was becoming an increasingly crowded port. That was the blessing and the curse of convention season, so many people you could never find the ones you were after. The Penmen were in town looking to further themselves and network with the other crews that had made port. Many had their eyes on the Draftmans Ship, while some of the more studious crew still held hopes for the Editor Ship or even the Author Ship for a lucky few. The Author Ship had been in town for a week, desperately looking for a Reader Ship of their own. It had been a brutal year’s sailing, coming under attack many times from the rogue Censor Ships that plagued the Pirate Sea.

That evening at the welcome drinks laid on by the Sponsor Ship, crew from the Marksman Ship came to blows with the boys from the Swordsman Ship, encouraged by all those who sailed under the flag of the Gamesman Ship. Thankfully, the Captains of the Relation Ship and the Partisan Ship talked both sides down while the Craftsmen Ship’s crew repaired the damage to the bar before the Leader Ship ever heard of the altercation.

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