Instalment Sixty Four

The day you became an adult isn’t the day you think it was.

It isn’t the day you first fell in love or the day your heart first broke.

It isn’t the first time you had sex or the day you turned 18, and if those are the other way around for you, keep your legs crossed next time.

You are not an adult when you get your licence to drive.

You are not an adult because you had a child.

You are not an adult when you realise that one day you will die.

You are not an adult when you realise one day soon your parents will die.

You are not an adult when you realise you will continue to make the same mistakes.

The day you become an adult is the day that when invited to attend an average event with free alcohol and you think, “No, my time is worth more to me than what I would save drinking free, I would rather pay for my own drinks somewhere I WANT to be.”

Once that happens, you are all grown up, so go out and be immature with your friends. Talk about when you were young.

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